Mythical Phoenix and Swans

By Phoenix the Elder – I am a dreamer and when I was 32 years old, my mother died (1990). I was spending the night at her home. That night as she slowly departed I had my first real Spirit Dream and that was the basis to know the few and powerful Spirit Dreams that I […]

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Elements of Myth – Lunar Flares entering Luminous Phenomena

The Fable and the Myth. Careful discrimination must be made between fable and myth. A fable is a story like the Fox and the Grapes, in which characters and plot, neither pretending to reality nor demanding credence, are fabricated confessedly as the vehicle of moral or didactic instruction. Dr. Johnson narrows still further the scope of the […]

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Totems of Swan Lake, Swan River and the Celestial Swan Ocean

By Phoenix the Elder – I have had many mystical experiences in my life and still do and one of them was with two celestial swans. The night my mother died, I was at her home with her and I dreamed as she was preparing to leave her body in death. In my dream it […]

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