Second Full Moon of Spring 2024. Planet Neptune, Amphitrite, Lilith and Karen

By Phoenix the Elder – A Little Full Pink Moon SpringTale. the current Full Moon after our big cultural Eclipse of the new moon, is on April 23, 2024 in Scorpio @ 4 Degrees. Also the event happening is Uranus which is change, is conjunct Jupiter, opportunity and expansion, is conjunction April 20th in Taurus. […]

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Pluto Enters Aquarius 2024-2042

By Phoenix the Elder – On January 20, 2024, Pluto entered the Air Sign of Aquarius, Hark the Herald Angels. It left the very earthy Capricorn energy (2008-2023) and will retrograde but the new sign has begun. This means that we are letting go and releasing all the difficult births, transformations, deaths, and rebirths that […]

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Arabic Moon Mansions

Phoenix the Elder – Moon work is so precious, it is the first society of grandmothers that followed the rhythm and ebb and flow of nature, aligned with the cycles of the yearly moon. How could we have allowed her teachings to be erased and eradicated in the patriarch in the last 5,000 years? We […]

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Moon Astrology

By Phoenix the Elder – The moon is a very complicated symbol with or without astrology. In pre-patriarchal times it was the way we stayed connected to our souls, animism souls and the seasonal markers of the consciousness of mother earth’s year. Each of the 13 moons was one month with the 13th moon being […]

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Astrological Cadent Houses

By Phoenix the Elder – The wisdom of the Cadent Houses in the Astrological wheel teaches us that not everything we experience is seen with our eyes or is physical, but is seen with our soul. Cadent houses are the last houses of each quadrant of the zodiac divided into four sections. They can relate […]

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The Millennial “Pluto Square Pluto”

By Phoenix the Elder – My son was born at the end of 1983 when Pluto went into Scorpio for the first time when the first Millennials were born. His Pluto sits in his natal chart at 0 degrees Scorpio and his sister was born two years later in 1985, with her Pluto sitting at […]

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Astrological Luminaries 101

By Phoenix the Elder – A brief explanation of the basics of Astrology, the Sun, Moon and Rising (Ascendant). The Sun, the Moon and the Rising Sign are the three most important astrological building blocks to study, that make up the foundation of our identity, our sensitivities and the relationship to our world in Astrology. […]

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Goddess Sopdet, Sothis, Hathor and Isis and the older Sirius Orion Cults Part 1

Compilation by Phoenix the Elder – In the tradition of astronomy, astrology, mythology and story telling, the star Sirius was named by the Egyptian as Sopdet  and its personification which was conflated with the Goddess Isis into Isis-Sothis. The Greeks called her Sothis. Her Egyptian origins show her as a fertility goddess with the symbols […]

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Lilith the Wise

By Phoenix the Elder – Lilith has a meaning for maidens, she has a meaning for adult women and she has a meaning for grandmother. Each phase of a woman’s life can be traced back to this Judaic Goddess named Lilith who is much older than Biblical Adams’s first wife or the sun cult. She […]

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Lunar Fate : Number 23 and the 2020, 2021 New Moons

By Phoenix the Elder – In January of 2020 I began noticing the #23 appearing everywhere. This number doesn’t have the best reputation according to the 23rdians, metaphysicians, magicians or the Bible and Torah.  Now, four months later I know why I was seeing this particular number. I did have an apprentice back in the […]

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