Dream Analysis: Mental Body Dream Projections vs Soul Dreaming

By Phoenix the Elder – Greetings Dreamers, one of my patrons here on Elder Mountain shared her dream with me, and I asked if I could share her dream in order to break it down for a Dream Teaching. She graciously said yes. I will share the basics to advanced levels of common dreaming and […]

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Mesopotamian Goddess Geštinanna

Compilation by Phoenix the Elder with her additions– Geštinanna is an early Goddess from Southern Mesopotamia which goes back to about 2540 bce in Sumeria. She is associated with the psychopomp dreaming and a dream interpreter. A goddess of agriculture and fertility as a mother goddess and sister of Dumuzid, the Shepherd God. Known also […]

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The 13th Moon 2020

By Phoenix the Elder – Greeting Dreamers, Healers, Empaths and Artists! We have finally reached the end of our seasonal lunar year! We have one more passage to go before the arrival of the Spring Equinox! Most astrologers treat the lunar path as if it were the sun, and use that knowledge and sun’s perspective. […]

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Transformative Dreaming

By Phoenix the Elder – I am a master dreamer and what that means is I have mastered lucid dreaming, astral travel, out of bodies, full out of bodies (death suspension), remote viewing in waking and night dreams in both my mental astral body (dreamer) and my Soul astral body (dreamer) which are very, different bodies. […]

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Dreaming Mirrors

By Phoenix the Elder (Compilation and additions) – My intention with this article is not magic, but to inspire being conscious when it comes to rituals, practices and dreaming, especially if these are natural gifts. Since we all have past life karma, the complexities of dreaming or those applied to waking dreams (signs, synchronicity and […]

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Dreams of Ancient Artists

By Phoenix the Elder – My Sacred Archaic Orison today…  “I give great reverence, great respect and praise to all our ancestral and ancient women artists whose names were never known, nor ever kept sacred by scribes in any sacred texts of earth the last few thousand years. I light a candle and whisper to the […]

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Third Moon of Winter 2019

By Phoenix of Elder Mountain – Greetings Moon Lovers, Artists, Dreamers and Empaths, we finally made it to the last Moon of Winter, the last of our Seasonal year. It begins Monday, February 4th 2019 as we now prepare for a transformation of seasons, the death of winter and the rebirth of spring. Winter begins to fade, […]

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The Snake and the Dream

Old Russian Folktale – In a certain land there was a King who had a dream and as he slept, he saw a fox hanging by the tail of the roof of the palace. When he awoke he remembered his dream and couldn’t get it out of his mind. At last he called his counselors […]

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First Moon of Autumn 2018

By Phonenix the Elder – Greetings moon dreamers, thanks for returning for some more moon medicine this month. We start our second year of the Moontime Culture and the “First Moon of Autumn” starts Sunday, September 9, 2018. The Autumn Equinox is Saturday, the 22nd of September. Its been a long summer and I hope that […]

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