Third Moon of Winter 2022

By Phoenix the Elder – Greeting dreamers, the Season of Winter is just about finished! This is our Aquarius New Moon cycle which sits at 12° as it has for four months, the same lessons over and over again according to this auspicious degree. As we enter this final “dark moon” of the three moons […]

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Timeless Egyptian Goddess Rituals

By Phoenix the Elder – Why do some of us honor the Goddess and others do not, or say she isn’t real as a diety compared to the patriarch’s god. Why do some have altars to Goddesses to help them through their spiritual journey and others would never do such a thing? Well anyone who […]

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Compilation and additions by Phoenix the Elder – Word magic, ideas of magic as an alphabetical river, weaving a mysterious interlacing of mental characters, mental words, and the mind’s spoken voice was adopted in the Middle Ages. This was how magic was marked by written forms of symbols that were much older and changed. Then […]

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