Third Moon of Spring 2021

By Phoenix the Elder – Greetings dreamers, I wish you great health, abundance, love, respect and the good things we all need in life to keep us healthy. I hope that your signs and synchronicities these past two months have been very clear so they can guide you along your path with more awareness. We […]

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The Empath’s Conflict

By Phoenix the Elder – If you are an empath, a true one, you know that you are an emotional wreck and trouble finds you everywhere. Oversensitive, emotions trigger easy and it takes a lot of personal healing to begin to understand who you are. If you call yourself an empath but its not a […]

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Soul of the Empath

By Phoenix the Elder – We empaths are a complicated mess for many years until we get serious about our the commitment to our emotional healing journey.  The main signs that must all be present for a real empath are: 1. You forgive easily; 2. You cry way too often (or); 3. You are angry […]

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