Lunar Fate : Number 23 and the 2020, 2021 New Moons

By Phoenix the Elder – In January of 2020 I began noticing the #23 appearing everywhere. This number doesn’t have the best reputation according to the 23rdians, metaphysicians, magicians or the Bible and Torah.  Now, four months later I know why I was seeing this particular number. I did have an apprentice back in the […]

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Karmic Dept and The Halls of Amenti

By Phoenix the Elder – I have had many mystical experiences this lifetime, for most of my life and each one was either shadowy, demonic or the intense  light and divine. The more I awakened, the more they were both present. I learned when I was younger that one does not present itself without the other. […]

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The Soul and the Magic 5

By Phoenix the Elder – I wanted to speak with you about the values and hardships of Magic, of making sacrifices and the deeper lessons of listening and how these three work together in soul work and soul healing. And by sacrifice I mean taking the high road when that causes you suffering, rejection, loss […]

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