The Night Bridge of Birds & The Summer Triangle

By Phoenix of Elder Mountain – Water Charming does have its original roots in the Night Medicines, which are now called Star Lore, the Space Program and Star Wars of men. As you see, we now can barely see the night stars anymore from earth from so much light pollution. Night medicines are the light that […]

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Slavic Moon Wards and Wardcraft for the Dreamers

By Phoenix the Elder – Slavic amulets are as old as woman herself and they have the power for both the good and selfish means. Our artist/shaman ancestors valued symbolism from neolithic times and shared their sacred creativity on rocks and caves, the same as modern sacred artists, peasants, wizards, witches, embroiderers and weavers, and charming […]

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Spring’s Rebirth – Slavic and Balkan Pysanky

Compilation by Phoenix the Elder – The Rites of Spring is about honoring our rebirth and the earth’s rebirth, this has specific rituals that are ancient and help us stay connected to our moon nature, our soul and our emotional nature in a positive way. Here at Elder Mountain we do the ritual of building the archaic Goddess […]

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Slavic, Balkan, and Baltic Goddesses

Phoenix the Elder – When personal web pages were new in the early 90s, you could find any goddess you wished, as many of their names were on the web, and there were tens of thousands, Now, everything that was, is practically gone, and the commercial algorithms have taken over for web profits and social […]

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Lepa Mara: Lightning Goddess Perunika & Thunder God’s Daughter

By Phoenix of Elder Mountain Dreaming – Uranus is the planet that rules chaos, which includes Thunder and Lightning and thus the Goddess and God of thunder and lightning bring chaos into our lives and that birthing is called Lepa Mara. Her name means beautiful woman as she wakes up in Spring with the forces of […]

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Slavic Zwezda Dnierca, Zwezda Wieczorniaia, and Zwezda Polnoca

The Zorya are the three Slavic Mythological Guardians (warrior) Goddesses, known as the Auroras. They guard and watch over the doomsday hounds (shadow people) who threaten to eat the constellations of the Great Bear and the Little Bear (Ursa Major & Minor). If the chain breaks loose, the earth’s time is said to come to […]

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Slavic Peasant Dreaming: The Ancient Spirit of Wołogór, Dreamer of Ox Mountain

By Phoenix the Elder, Edited by Sarah Burnstein – Many teachings speak of the World Tree or what is referred to as the “Tree of Life” in Paganism, New Age Spirituality, the Kabbalah and a few others. As a Dreamer I live within the realms of the “World River” connected to the ancient tradition that belonged to […]

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