Spirit of the Slavic Water Goddess

By Phoenix the Elder – I am not a fan of religious writing, pagan writing, or even modern writing where everything about the goddess is compared only with her consort, her father, or a demoted aspect of her element of the spirit of nature. One of the greatest is the element of water, once great […]

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The Death Rites of the Tibetan Bardo

Share by Phoenix the Elder – I am a writer in my later life of “experience” not of knowledge. And that is why my writings are very personal, without adding the apprentice aspects of those experiences as well. This is the oral tradition that shamans live and its one that teaches through the story of […]

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Energetic “Cord Cutting” Ritual

By Phoenix the Elder – Chord Cutting is not a shamanic ritual, it is an energy healer’s ritual. I went through the first wave of Reiki initiations attunements myself which can be pretty intense in the second of the three attunements and then worked at it very diligently. I went to Reiki Healers also which […]

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Third Moon of Winter 2022

By Phoenix the Elder – Greeting dreamers, the Season of Winter is just about finished! This is our Aquarius New Moon cycle which sits at 12° as it has for four months, the same lessons over and over again according to this auspicious degree. As we enter this final “dark moon” of the three moons […]

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Neptunia and her Dreamers

By Phoenix the Elder –  Neptune is the most elusive, foreboding, and dreamy planet we have, and the deliverer of natural illusionary soul effects that we can experience. For a long time after my T-Square (six planets) underwent a transformation with Uranus, and then Neptune in the late 90s and early 00s…  I had learned […]

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The Common Sense of Self-Healing

By Phoenix the Elder – When we work with common sense, we recognize that the spiritual journey cannot be separated from the healing journey of the self (self-healing). The Ancient Greeks regarded the Liver as the placement near the life-giving soul, and one’s intelligence but 2,000 years later, we know the soul (astral body) sits […]

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The Millennial “Pluto Square Pluto”

By Phoenix the Elder – My son was born at the end of 1983 when Pluto went into Scorpio for the first time when the first Millennials were born. His Pluto sits in his natal chart at 0 degrees Scorpio and his sister was born two years later in 1985, with her Pluto sitting at […]

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Waxing Like the Moon: Women Folk Healers in Rural Western Ukraine

By Sarah D. Phillips, University of Indiana – Once a woman came to see me… she says to me, “I can’t sleep, and I’m so weak.” I asked her, “Did something frighten you?” “No,” she didn’t want to tell me. I began to pour the wax, I said, “Something has frightened you—either a man, or […]

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Third Moon of Summer 2020

By Phoenix the Elder – Greetings Dreamers, I hope your Midsummer was enjoyable, balanced and had some awareness around your daily endeavors. We are entering our third and final moon of Summer which begins Tuesday,  August 18, 2020 @ 9:41 pm (cst). The full moon will appear on the 2nd of September and the completed […]

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Hindu Five Prana Vayus : Using the Powers of your Breath & Body

By Phoenix the Elder – I started training as an equestrian rider at 5-years old and started doing yoga and playing soccer starting around 17-years old and swam almost everyday in rivers, pools, creeks. I continued thes weekly until I turned 42. Around 33, I started doing sweat lodges because I needed to increase my purification […]

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