Water Goddesses – The Waters of Life and of Death

By Phoenix of Elder Mountain –  Our life giving waters on earth have the most primordial roots because water is a spirit element. Elements have the most ancient guardians from the water Dragons to the newer Ravens, who fetch both the “Water of Life” and the “Water of Death”. The lame crow obtains cures from […]

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Slavic Folk Healing: Flower Washing & Moon-Water Charming

By Phoenix the Elder –  I work with a few different Water Healing and Traditional Slavic Water Ceremonies to support releases of not only myself in my healing journey, but with my students and apprentices. Water Charming rituals are very ancient, combined with healing flowers, help us with the continual flow of purification. Most people […]

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Goddesses of the Ocean Waters

By Phoenix of Elder Mountain – Doris of Greek mythology is an Oceanid, her name represents the bounty of the sea as she is a daughter of Oceanus and Tethys. Doris was mother to the fifty ‘Nereids’ including Thetis, who is was mother of Achilles and Amphitrite. The ‘Sea Nymphs’ are the three thousand daughters […]

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