Mystics Dreamers and Immortals


Phoenix the Elder welcomes you to her personal, interpersonal, and collective circle. She is dedicated to the ancient teachings of the River of Life, and dedicated to the path of the creative power within, to encourage the self to find more strength, to use this power within to self-heal, overcome adversity, structure chaos, and experience rebirths from the challenges of life, mystical challenges or the mystery of the self.

Phoenix has always supported the gifted empaths, HSPs, sensitives, those who have mystical and paranormal experiences, and the dreamers (sober dreamers, no pot, plants, drugs or alcohol). She has spent a lifetime behind the scenes as a spiritual person, with  dedicated students and apprentices to teach them the art of self-healing and awareness of the soul through healing their emotional life.

She asked Mother Earth when she was young, to reteach her the Primordial Grandmother’s wisdom before the pagans, and religions began. She would then set all Grandfathers teachings aside in the late 80s and began immediately to experience the mystical, out of bodies, seership, remote viewing, dream walkign, overcoming challenging realms, and more.
She aligned with the practices of so many disciplines world wide to heal so she could endure her wrathful dismemberment (a shaman tradition where all four bodies are completely destroyed, and one must on thier own heal them step by step to learn the mysteries of healing, and not die).

As a visioning as a shaman, she began to enter the forgotten dreaming cultures of the earliest and pre-Shamanic cultures, allowed her to embrace the wisdom of the earth’s primordial Grandmothers of old. This occurred through visions, dreaming, dream walking, time jumping and journeying into the past for decades, naturally, letting each gift unfold as she purified real karmic past lives (3).

Her mastery comes from spending decades to devout principles of permanent self-healing, surviving ultimate layers and levels of  awakenings, and purification processes to reattain her own higher souls after a lifetime of suffering off real karma and its purification. She has only worked with apprentices in the 90s and 00s. In the early 2010s, she began to work with dark apprentices, who wanted to heal from their drug addictions, which comes with demonic astral bodies that have been freed from the underworld. This work helped her to learn to be a powerful exorcist and also master compassion for their mundane side of life. When that phase in life was over, she began to focus on collective work as a dream walker with her light apprentices that were very gifted.

In her Slavic ancestral lineage and her family, she was the dream-walker, the one who had out-of-bodies, astral travel, and time-jumping since  the early 1960s, all destined to be developed through hard work of the fate and destiny that would not release her. This was all natural gifts that she painstakingly  developed step by step through each of these doorways. The doorways opened and closed, shifted, appeared, reappeared, and disappeared, but she remained true to truth, honestly, sobriety, disciplines and the art of the spiritual huntress and warrioress in order to make gradual releases of karma.

She was willing to navigate the frightful reality of the mystical at these deepest levels until it became very normal and ordinary. The older she became, this path became more challenging because real karmic purifications of her three past lives were involved more and more with challenges. The deeper inward she went, she began to break through into consciousness. Phoenix is a fully developed Astrometryist and Electrometrist, all the while being born with a powerful Empathic Magnetic Body that required constant balance and purification.

In spirituality, life for some, is self-mastering, and when we are young in our 20s and 30s, we often want to find so many “quick solutions to life’s bigger problems, or answers in the knowledge path, or ways to heal pain faster, finding an escape to the struggles of our childhood from the past, adulthood, teen or twenty-something.”

But this is not how life really works, we are an unfolding being, and a very deep and complicated being and each decade requires us to learn something new to grow and mature. Letting go is also a deep part of the path, cycles of releasing of the old worn-out ideas and concepts or who we were and that generally beings around 40 years old. Up until then, we can do our practices with more understanding, and learn and then we have to begin to apply it with action and discipline.

Phoenix works with those who are called to these much older teaching, the slower River of Life, the non-physical aspects called the Emotional Body, Soul Bodies (our karma fragmented darker aspects to heal, and its replacement of our higher selves after the karma eventually dissolves), and for the oldest souls, the Animism Bodies. She calls this the Zlata Baba, or Golden Grandmother teachings, and one in which she has attained and mastered as a very ancient ancestor of earth, this is our ancient root of the divine feminine within…


1. Social-Spiritual
This is a large group, the most popular, and includes religious people, spiritual entrepreneurs, those who wish to be around like-minded people of their belief systems, and the circle gatherers.

2. New Age Seekers
The path of new age spirituality which started in the late sixties included bliss seekers, metaphysicians, star-seed people, love and light, mind over matter, followers of ascended masters, ascension seeking, crystals, quicker roads to enlightenment or false teachings and paranormal and a few more.

3. Knowledge-Spiritual & Paganism
The learned group, studies, university studies, and esoteric studies, it is the second largest group and one of the oldest in spiritual terms which many diverted off into the feminine side of god, including the Buddhists, Sufi, Kaballahist, and Gnostics. The knowledge and sometimes the practice of traditional Paganism and Neo-Paganism practices. Witches and witchcraft, Magicians and Magical Practices.

3. Esoteric and Metaphysical
This is a very diverse group of both ancient and modern divination, alchemy, metaphysical, esoteric, gnostics, post-modern paganism, and all the different branches. Esoteric is not limited just to Tarot Cards, Herbalism, and Astrology, it has a very wide genre that also includes Magicians and Magical Practices.

4. Holistic, Ancient, and Folk…Healing Traditions
Healers, folk healers, traditional indigenous healing, self-healing practices and disciplines, shaman practitioners, energy and sound healers, water therapists, ceremonial, yoga teachers and practitioners, spiritual dance, spiritual martial arts, life coaches, and mediation teachers. Holistic therapists, folk shamans, folk healers, herbalists. For those who are sick and seeking information and practices to heal physical, mental, emotional, or soul issues.

5. Soul Issues, Karmic Healing
Some of the deeper teachings and practices of
Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Zen, Pure Shamanism.

The path of compassion, teachers or practitioners of disciplines of Zen, Bardo, and Buddhism. These are generally more fated paths when you get deeper and more committed to these ancient practices. It can also be thrust upon you, and generally not chosen. It’s for those who have come to pay their karma and suffer horribly for decades but must master the self. This is a lifelong commitment and one that requires flexibility and change as one begins to heal.

6. Moon and Lunar Feminine Path
Lunar work is truly delving into the natural order of life, nature, the flow of rivers, and the elements, and guided by nature. Seasonal Time Keeping of the 13 Moons each year (no solar, or sun clocks needed) is the oldest teaching of the Grandmothers and one can begin to fully be aligned with the energy of the moon of their emotional body, menses cycles, and karma purification. The deeper intention of Mirror Work of the Moon is very ancient in women’s herstory. Night Goddess work  (light side of the dark). 

Realignments in any culture, with the return of the power of the soul of ancient times and pre-patriarch times, bring us into the present day in one’s life, using the sacred circle, rituals, ceremonies, bonding, and support between women. Some men also dedicate themselves to the goddess of their choices because they remember. Includes Wicca, some female Witch Pagan, Covens, and various paths.

7. The Goddess, Nature, and Spirit Religions
    Women’s Religions, Paganism, Indigenous
From ancient times until today, women had to fight for and to keep their sacred circles and the most successful were the witches. The only woman of the earth who has the biggest circles worldwide and it cover many things spiritually. I also include Indigenous here because they too have primarily done witch’s work as well. The great circle, the ancient circle. There are women shamans, women magicians and witches, women healers and folk healers, women’s sacred voices, dances, and sound healing. The goddess, mythology, and the goddess, social impacts on ancient finds as well are included. Women’s ceremonies and rituals. 

8. Goddess Warrior Women, Warrior Traditions
From ancient times, the Night Goddess Women have always been warriors, who carry a strong element of Justice for their sisters. This is from the ancient Amazon women, to the later witches of the early pagan traditions. These women are free, and will do anything to preserve their rights to think, feel and be who they are. Patriarchal society has not been kind to them, and the Grandmother Shamans were the first warriors to be eradicated and that was the break their Sacred Circle of Maidens, Mothers and Grandmothers. Write me if you want the entire story.

9. Men’s Religions, Men’s Paganism, Men’s Indigenous (Sun Cult)
From ancient times until today, men’s teachings of their god(s) and Mind-Body for men, men’s bodies, and men’s behavior are for changing from impulsive behaviors, controlling behaviors, violent behaviors, from negative or dark, to balance of the light. Many others have moved into the more feminine approaches in the last forty years of the female side of God including Gnostic, Kaballah, Buddhism, and Sufi teachings and the return of paganism that included women.

10. The Dreamers
A select group of people worldwide that have healing abilities in dreams, who have huntress abilities, are awake in their dreams since childhood and must deal with soul dreaming (shadow and darkness). Mastery of out-of-bodies and death out-of-bodies, various levels of remote viewing (of both mental astral body and soul astral body), time jumping, shaman tunnels, veil layering crossings, dream warrior huntress (demonic purification), astral travel, dream walking (full consciousness waking and dreaming at a buddha level), invisible dreaming, pure-void nothingness dreaming, shape-shifting dreaming, animism dreaming, medical dreaming, dream oracles, dream seers, and more. Women are ten times stronger Dreamers than men and should consider dedicated to sobriety, purity and self mastery in order to reclaim what they have lost.

11. Dreamers, Exorcists and Natural Born Shamans, (no-drugs, hallucinogens, and no plants)
Mastering the weaver’s fate, overcoming death, and the nature of dualism of self in the wrathful dismemberment is what pure shamans must endure in their lifetime, coinciding with their visions and gifts that rise from extreme loss and pain. Co-creative mystically with nature, this world, and the underworld and its shadowy demons are a part of the pain. The consequences of real shamanism are deadly, and constantly loom over one’s life of suffering; many sicknesses and soul-sicknesses, mastering chaos is one of a hundred tests to pass. These take a lifetime.

12. Shaman Practitioners (Medicine Women and Medicine Men)
This group is varied as healers from book writer teachers, or those who are dedicated to their healing skills from good to excellent or advanced. Those who study knowledge about real shamans. This group carries and uses a drum as shaman practitioners or what one could call lifelong apprentices.

13. Plant (drug) Shamans
Those who cannot vision naturally and are not natural shamans, nor dream naturally or develop their gifts of vision naturally through karmic purification. They were not born shamans and take hallucinogenic plants which give them the plant’s visions saturating their body and mind. This type of vision is first-level projection.

14. Try them all Seekers
The curious, who seek a bit of everything. Sometimes they find their passion to go deeper, then they will find some satisfaction in their journey.

15. Spiritual Entrepeneurs
Those who seek a spiritual path as a way to make a regular living and live a spiritual life through their work or service. Many psychics and readers call themselves spiritual entrepreneurs today.

16. The Shadier Sides of Paganism, Religion and Spirituality
Seekers, Black Magic, Voodoo, Hoodoo, Shadow Witches, Satanism, Possessions etc. Every modality has a light and shadow side on all that are listed here, and this tradition is no different. It has also a Karmic side that has deeper consequences as well. Not for the light of heart.

17. The Paranormal Seekers
Those who seek to understand the mystery of the strange occurrences of earth, the phenomena, UFOs (now called UPI) and Starports, Military involvement.

18. Science Spirituality
Mixing spiritual and scientific or traditional doctor/hospital healing to express how one fits in the natural world replacing god or goddess or even spiritual naturalists into a Science language.

19. Animism
Animism is the old shamanism who I and a few rare shamans on earth (pure, not hellucinigen plants) have attained our ancient animal souls. One must have no karma from their past lives in order to attain and hold permanently. There are also shadow all the way to demonic human fragments and its possessions of animals by living humans who have demon souls, usually the addicts. This is because of the grandfather’s Sun cults. Soulology of the ancient shamanic cultures of the grandmothers and their shamanic cultures, and dreaming cultures before that are the oldest on the planet.

20. Atheism
Rejection of almost everything religious, mystical, or spiritual natures of anything beyond the mundane human.

21. Indigenous
Every country has some Indigenous people left including my people, the Slavic Indigenous. All people come from an indigenous lineage, but soul loss through culture, war, religious abuses, and abuses of the patriarch has limited the numbers of red, white, yellow, brown, and black indigenous people.

22. Fairy (Bug Clan)
This is also a wide variety group, it includes fairies, fairy magic, and can include Domovois, Nesse, Gnomes, etc. of the old natural earth. Many experience fairies and are guided to work that aspect out in their lives. Fairies belong to the Bug Clans in shamanism.

23. Bird Tribe Women and Angels
Long before the patriarch or even paganism were the primordial grandmother leaders of the earth and they were know as the Bird Tribe. Angels were a religious birthing, to integrate the shamanic cultures into their god cults and people fell asleep thinking that angels have wings. This is under Animism, where the bird, thunderbird etc souls are joined by our higher light with the human souls. Bird tribe women of pre-patriarchal cultures, been around since prehistory times.

24. Sacred Geometry
The science groups of spirituality use things like Sacred Geometry Divination of Number Sequences, and other math types of processes. I don’t really ever suggest them, which also includes Flower of Life. These are off-beat numbers games, like gambling synchronicity, that are mental and have nothing to do with healing the soul or one’s karma, it’s just math knowledge that is a game of life, that do not cross over into other divination cycles and archetypes.

25. Physical Healing
The most powerful journey for the physical body includes the majority of the information out there in life. Many try to heal all four bodies through the physical body, but that is impossible and not real. The physical body is our root foundation while incarnated (housing our soul astral body and our mental astral body) and does require training, maintenance, and feeding in the best ways we know how. The Body and Soul used to be an inseparable term, but now it’s Mind and Body.

The root of all disease is karma, and the body can hold the specifics. Modern medicine can interfere with detoxes and releases of such karma, especially medications, so tread lightly when younger than 40 when choosing to medicate your problems. Sometimes those do more harm knowingly or unknowingly. If you wouldn’t give it to your dog or cat, you probably shouldn’t ingest it. Water and Electrolytes are the only basic liquids we need, if you didn’t need it 100,000 years ago you don’t need it today.

if you think of more, let Phoenix know! 

Art Sources: Illustration by Nika Glotz; Star Goddess by Monica Meius, an Estonian illustrator based in Helsinki Finland; Eclipse 2024 photo by Derek Moorse in Hamilton Ontario.