Medicine Dreaming

By Phoenix the Elder – I am a medicine dreamer, meaning that my sicknesses this lifetime, and those I have worked with, I will dream the core issue or part of the sickness to see it, then begin to apply for that medicine in the waking. My body in the last three years is detoxing […]

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Moontime, Dreamtime and Maya

By Phoenix the Elder – (A mystical story, that I originally posted on the Way of the Rose)… When I lived in Seattle in 2003, I was invited to a group session by a wonderful lady who was a medium. I remember walking up the sidewalk and I started smelling Roses. I thought woah, must […]

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Dreamer Questions

By Phoenix the Elder – I don’t really do podcasts because they are never really heard or seen in the podcast popular world, so I stick to the basics. I had a dreamer ask me a question, so I thought I would share it here. If you have any questions about dreaming (in waking or […]

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Mesopotamian Goddess Geštinanna

Compilation by Phoenix the Elder with her additions– Geštinanna is an early Goddess from Southern Mesopotamia which goes back to about 2540 bce in Sumeria. She is associated with the psychopomp dreaming and a dream interpreter. A goddess of agriculture and fertility as a mother goddess and sister of Dumuzid, the Shepherd God. Known also […]

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Transformative Dreaming

By Phoenix the Elder – I am a master dreamer and what that means is I have mastered lucid dreaming, astral travel, out of bodies, full out of bodies (death suspension), remote viewing in waking and night dreams in both my mental astral body (dreamer) and my Soul astral body (dreamer) which are very, different bodies. […]

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Healing & the 13 Moons of Nature’s Seasons

By Phoenix the Elder – This is my personal capsulized short share of how I completed my fated life to return the 13 moons as a real seasonal calendar, living in all thirteen moons each month. Yes there is a 13th moon that you can experience with the right training of cycles. The original prehistory lunar […]

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Elder Mountain Dreaming is now under Construction over the next six months. I offer right now only my ancient lunar work-study by Subscription; I am also adding (eventually) an ongoing Podcast that is five wise women, a multi-generational podcast (three millennial women, a genxer (me) and a baby boomer) to speak in a roundtable about […]

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Shoymanas, Rusallias and Sfinte Soimane

On Friday, February 3rd, 2012 Neptune moved into Pisces and will be in its own sign until the beginning of 2026 and will close the door it had opened 2,200 years before in the great circle, which started around 220 bce. What does the weaving of the “Order of the Sphinx”, a bunch of “Balkan […]

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Sobriety Dreaming

Dreaming is a lifelong self mastery, one which takes patience& practice to understand what one is experiencing at what levels of illusions and projections. There is much more to dreaming than astral travel or the beginner stage called lucid dreaming. In the waking life, bigger is better, more is better, desire is good, but the […]

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Dreamers, Dreaming & Astral Dreaming

By Phoenix of Elder Mountain…  This photo below is an excellent symbol of how the actual “mental body” dreams. We have 3 dream bodies, and the first to master is always the Mental Body and the Mental Body dreamer. If someone masters Zen Meditation (zero thought at will),  one hour a day for seven years, […]

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