Phoenix’s Dreaming Symbol-Analysis

By Phoenix the Elder – I had started my dream work when my dreaming became unbearable in my early 30s. I had always dreamed as a child and had very intense experiences with ships and my soul being pulled out of my body or falling into the underworld and spiraling downwards. I didn’t have any […]

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Waking and Night Dreaming Symbolism

By Phoenix the Elder – I rode my bike yesterday morning and saw four specific symbols within ten minutes all in a row. My synchronicities and signs were pretty powerful this first Moon of Summer 2021. Tthis wasn’t the case yesterday and this synchronicity really stood out to me.The new moon I set for my […]

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Sobriety Dreaming

Dreaming is a lifelong self mastery, one which takes patience& practice to understand what one is experiencing at what levels of illusions and projections. There is much more to dreaming than astral travel or the beginner stage called lucid dreaming. In the waking life, bigger is better, more is better, desire is good, but the […]

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Dreaming where you are now

Part 1 – Lets suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream you wanted to dream, and you would naturally as you began on this adventure of Dreams, you would fulfill all your wishes. You would have every kind of pleasure, you see, and after several nights you would say, well that […]

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