Second Full Moon of Spring 2024. Planet Neptune, Amphitrite, Lilith and Karen

By Phoenix the Elder – A Little Full Pink Moon SpringTale. the current Full Moon after our big cultural Eclipse of the new moon, is on April 23, 2024 in Scorpio @ 4 Degrees. Also the event happening is Uranus which is change, is conjunct Jupiter, opportunity and expansion, is conjunction April 20th in Taurus. […]

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AI Dreaming, the Real Matrix

By Phoenix the Elder – This is a page I will continue to update as time goes by since we are at the beginning of AI Dreaming. This will effect everyone who is awake or asleep in their dreams… I want to share the new AI Dreaming that has been showing up on the dream […]

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Al Baraq, the Middle East Shamanic Mystical Animism Horses

Phoenix the Elder  – The magical and divine horses of our ancient dreamer and shamanic past, are connected to our relationship to the mundane horse today. But long ago, we were connected to  its soul and its beauty as a part of us. The horse has many sides to it connected to human history, there […]

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List of Roman Deities

Deities of the Religio Romana by: M. Horatius Piscinus – Even before the founding of Rome, the Latins were influenced by different cultures from within Italy and from Greece and Phoenicia. During the historical period we learn of the Romans adopting deities from other cultures, such as the Phrygian Magna Mater, Kybele, and Venus Erycina […]

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The Cup Bearer of Heaven, the Greek Goddess Hebe, and Roman Juventas

Compilation by Phoenix the Elder – I came across Hebe today from my friend who recently moved and has a beautiful statue of Hebe, surrounded by beautiful yellow roses. The image is quite beautiful and obviously shows this goddesses power of healing our past. She is know to heal and restore our youth, especially if […]

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Second Moon of Spring 2024

By Phoenix the Elder – Greetings Dreamers, Healers, Artists! We have now stepped into the fullness of Spring with the Full Solar Eclipse on the Second Moon of Spring, Monday @ 19°23 Aries🐲 11:21 am PDT and the Second Full Moon will be at 4°17 Scorpio🌕 April 23rd @ 4:49 pm PDT. It should bring […]

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Zhinü 织女 | Chinese Goddess of Good Luck, the Milky Way and the Star Vega

Phoenix the Elder – “Introduction: I have done a series of compilations on the oldest powerful Chinese Goddesses. In the article’s list, I used the same cover image, so when you scroll through you can identify it. You can also search on the articles page. As I have been researching the last few years of these Goddesses, […]

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Chinese Ancestress Dǒu Mǔ 斗母 | Celestial Goddess of Ursa Major

Phoenix the Elder – “Introduction: I have done a series of compilations on the oldest powerful Chinese Goddesses. In the article’s list, I used the same cover image, so when you scroll through you can identify it. You can also search on the articles page. As I have been researching the last few years of these Goddesses, […]

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Chinese Goddesses, Deities, and Immortals

Phoenix the Elder – “Introduction: I have done a series of compilations on the oldest powerful Chinese Goddesses. In the article’s list, I used the same cover image, so when you scroll through you can identify it. You can also search on the articles page. As I have been researching the last few years of these […]

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Shamanic Animism Goddess Gemu | Culture of Tibetan Mosuo People

Article by Valentina and Tsem Rinpoche – When I first learned about the Goddess Gemu and the Mosuo culture, the whole history and background of these people were fascinating to me. Of particular interest was how the practice of the Goddess Gemu survived the transition from the traditional Daba faith, which is based on animism, […]

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